Feb 16, 2007 was the day Britney Spears shaved her head. It's funny how certain things stick in your mind but oddly enough this is how I remember my first time to New York Fashion Week. This pic was taken the night before she did that. Some other things that stick out to me... LuLu walking down the street in her floor length red fur. All I could think about is Samuel L. Jackson for some reason. It was so cold that season..bitter cold. I also think about how I wanted to go to an "after party". I was from a small town, married young and had only traveled a few times before this. When someone back stage told me he could get me and my friends into one of the designers after parties I was in. I did not, however, realize that these events start around 12 to 1:00 a.m.~who leaves the house to go out at that time? Any way..my friends went with me..not because they wanted to but I think they thought I would be on the morning news if they didn't. I walked in the door and the first thing I see was a man with head gear on (like an Indian) and all he was wearing was a green sequence thong... Oh and moccasins! I would hate to leave that part out. I really can't explain what all was going through my mind but I do believe I was speechless. I watched him for about 5 minutes dance with his air guitar (thinking he has to be on drugs) and decided this wasn't really my scene. Now let me clarify..I am not for sure if he was on drugs..I am just assuming but still felt pretty confident that I didn't want to hang around to see what 3a.m. would bring. This image still burns in my minds eye. You would think I would know better but I seem to only learn the hard way. Please don't judge me...I have to include this story so I can share it with my grandchildren one day.
On to less scandalous events of that week... It was the first time I had really been around celebrities. They were every where and I was really having fun seeing them. Pink, for example, looks so pretty in person. Some however..not so much. This is the moment I stopped buying tabloid magazines. Once you meet someone and realize they may or may not be anything like how they are depicted by the Media it just isn't the same. I watched one girl cry because she was on the worst dress list. The magazine did not say that the outfit she had on was from a photo shoot. I came back home feeling a little sad for them actually..or maybe it was just that I felt really fortunate that I could drive to Kroger in my PINK pajamas and no one would care.

I also laughed that week probably more than I have in my life time. We are all in groups when we work. Two to three teams are at the shows working while a group stays behind in "THE HOLE" to work on nails. We stay at the Marriott on 3East and 40th and have the top floor to ourselves. We usually eat out in the hall, wear our house shoes to get coffee in the lobby and call the bellmen by name. LuLu and Angie were on my team. Apollo armature hour had nothing on these two. Next week will be my 10th season at Fashion week. I am no longer the girl who wants to go to after parties..but it still one of the most fun times I have every year. We work very hard and I have become very proud of what we, as a team, are doing.
NYC Fashion Week 2012..I can't wait to see what you have in store this season. See you Wednesday.
This is a pic of me backstage with one of the models. Skinny girls like to have fun too!
The bottom pic is of LuLu and Angie (AKA..two of the funniest girls in the world). Team A.